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Welcome to ReznoR Allied Techologies' Commentary page.

This section is for mental coredumps, topics all inclusive.  Works are
original, or copied, and origins are noted.

[ 03.13.01 ]  This article is not new. It's relevance, however, isn't.
              Courtney Love of the band Hole speaks out against the real 
              pirates of the music industryl The Music Industry itself.
              The article is in its original 6 page layout, with minor
              formatting changes.  Page 1 contains the link to the original
              article.  Used with permission.

[ 05.09.00 ]  Stop Metallica.  A compilation of the writings of Jon Katz
              from Slashdot, including my comments on his article, as well
              as mail from me to Forbes challenging them on their coverage
              of Metallica and their use of NetPD to find alleged violators.

[ 06.11.99 ]  Why are kids today are so damn messed up.